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ZAYER EXPERTS „New technologies have brought about very significant changes in our plant“ The machine tool sector in the Basque Country has become a point of reference for processing companies in Spain. This is because of the commitment of manufacturers to technological transition, digitalisation and sustainability. All these changes ...
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AETOS, award for innovation in machine tools
This year the 31 BIEMH has been full of good news, the most important the prize for innovation awarded to our AETOS machine, in machine tools‘ category. It happened on Thursday morning, at the event organized at the Bilbao Exhibition Center (BEC): the 14th National Award for Innovation in Advanced ...
ZAYER machines are suitable for the ultra-precise machining required by aerospace products We offer milling machines and machining centers with automatic head self-calibration systems, both for 3+2 and for 5 continuous axes. This system (iCAL), in addition to correcting and adjusting the kinematics, gives us updated information on the ...
ZAYER is promoting a new R&D&i project in conjunction with a powerful business consortium. Integral Software Factory, Integral Innovation Experts, ZAYER, ONA Electroerosión, Industrias Puigjaner and Industrias David team up to launch a new research project, called EGIDA (Augmented Digital Intervention and Management Strategy – Estrategia de Gestión e ...
ZAYER will attend SAMUEXPO2022
We will be at the stand 30, Hall 6, at the Pordenone fair in Italy, from March 31 to April 2, where ZAYER ITALIA will be pleased to assist you in a personalized visit. Save the date and contact us! +39 011 956 32 05 ·
ZAYER’s firm commitment to R&D&i
ZAYER continues being a benchmark for R&D&i in the machine-tool and advanced manufacturing industry. In 2021, we participated in the HAZITEK and SPRI projects co-financed by the Basque Government. We made progress in significant areas of interest, such as Artificial Intelligence, 5G technologies and high-security production environments. AIAM – ...
ITER: World’s biggest fusion energy project
©FusionForEnergy ITER (“The Way” in Latin), is one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world. It is located in Europe, in the South of France and it sums 35 countries. Working together for the construction of the biggest device of the world, their goal is to demonstrate the ...
„GREEN DEAL“ award for the most sustainable company
Our city, Vitoria-Gasteiz distinguished us with the Pacto Verde award as the most sustainable company. During the „Green Deal 2021 Awards“ event held on 19 November at the Palacio Europa, the city’s new environmental business leaders were unveiled, and ZAYER won in the large company category. We were chosen ...
We are pleased to announce that CMS will be our new agent in USA
We are pleased to announce that Comprehensive Machinery Solutions (CMS) has joined our distribution network and will be representing ZAYER in the USA from today now on. Our activity is growing and our machines & technology advancements require an involved agent in the USA who faces growing challenges. Working ...
See you next!
ZAYER attended @EMOMILANO2021. There we launched our latest innovations, specially the new ARES model bridge milling machine. The fair was very successful, we did a good job and we had an excellent business days. Finally, after too long a break, we were able to hold many meetings and we ...
ZAYER has selected this EMO edition to launch new model ARES
Machine tool industry is constantly changing for the better. Manufacturers are constantly improving their models, but what is key and makes the market evolve, with substantial changes, is the creation of new models with new functionalities, much smarter, automated, efficient and precise ones. ZAYER is constantly working in this ...
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