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Upcoming October 26th we celebrate an Open House to show our new ZAYER Technical Center in the USA. Together with our USA distributor, Comprehensive Machinery Solutions, we will show you the new facilities and demonstrations on our technical service in the USA. Come and see live the DEMOs at ...
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ZAYER makes a large attraction display in Germany After a fruitful year for ZAYER, with our campaign for fast delivery machines, in this edition we have closed the year with high colors. In parallel, we have achieved four objectives: 1. Presentation in Germany of the new bed type machine, ...
Founded in 1957 in Legnano, Italy, Remo Speroni specialized in the design and construction of squares for foundries and steel mills. At first these pieces were intended for manual molding facilities, but since the 90s, automatic plants were introduced. They soon began to manufacture the first squares for automatic ...
ZAYER bets in this edition for a strategy of strong attraction This year has been very fruitful for ZAYER and the campaign we are preparing for the 2023 Edition of EMO is good proof of this. EMO is the most important machine tool and advanced manufacturing technologies trade show ...
EMO: Save the date
We are all looking forward to the EMO at Hannover, Germany, the most prestigious international machine tool exhibition. We will be from 13-18 September, in Hall 13, Stand B52. Come to see us! Invitation passes here ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ Contact us for a guided visit! +34 945 26 ...
Towards a new generation of cognitive Machine-Tools, capable of learning and acting autonomously. ZAYER is participating in a MISSIONS project approved by CDTI at the end of 2022, under the acronym MHAYA (2022-2025) and driven by a powerful consortium of companies. In this initiative, a group of sevenhigh-tech machine ...
EMAF 2023 Fair
At the end of this month, ZAYER will attend the @EMAF fair, together with @DNC TECNICA at Exponor, Portugal. It will be from May 31st to June 3rd, we will be happy to assist you! 📍 Stand A11 – Pavillion 1 🗓 May 31st May to June 3rd, 2023 ...
“The Machine Tool industry is facing a great technological transformation” In the following lines, we speak with Maite Ercilla, Project Manager, who recently joined ZAYER. She already has experience in the North American market and is in charge of business development in the US and the UK. Maite Ercilla ...
Save the date! ZAYER will attend ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE 2023, the leading trade fair in Poland, where the industry products and services are presented. We will be at Poznan International Fair by the hand of our agent @ MichalWadoski – MDT WADOWSKI, from May 30 to June 2, at ...
CIMT Invitation letters
Next month marks the18th edition of CIMT at Beijing, China, one of the most prestigious international machine tool exhibitions. We will be from 10-15 April, at stand B107, hall E2. Contact us for a guided visit! +86 21 55150431 Invitation letters ➡️ ➡️ ➡️
La prossima settimana si terrà la 21a edizione di MECSPE a #Bologna, in Italia,, una delle più grandi Fiere dedicate all’innovazione nell’industria manifatturiera. Saremo presenti dal 29 al 31 marzo, presso lo stand E31 del padiglione 14. Contattateci per una visita! +39 011 956 32 05
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