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L’azienda Castmetal, con sede a Vitoria, fa parte del gruppo Safe Metal. Fin dai suoi esordi, oltre alla fusione, si è specializzata nell’uso della lavorazione meccanica per ottenere il prodotto finale. Il gruppo Safe Metal, leader mondiale nella produzione di componenti in acciaio fuso. Opera in molti mercati, da ...
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We welcome MILLS CNC to our facilities
Last month we were visited by MILLS CNC, the UK’s favorite and fastest growing machine tool supplier. Indeed, Mills CNC joins our family for the distribution of ZAYER machines in the UK and Ireland. The distribution agreement will allow Mills, DN Solutions’ exclusive distributor in the UK and Ireland, ...
Barberán, l’azienda a conduzione familiare, un punto di riferimento del mercato L’azienda ha iniziato i suoi quasi 100 anni di attività come fucina a conduzione familiare a Castelldefels (Barcellona). Grazie allo sforzo continuo, all’entusiasmo e al lavoro di squadra, Barberán è ora specializzata nella progettazione e produzione di macchinari ...
Another example of ZAYER’S strategy of alliances is its collaboration with WITTENSTEIN The partnership is framed within engineering the drives for the award-winning AETOS machine. ZAYER is seeking to create a network of dependable collaborators for the development of advanced, innovative machines that will make an impact on industry ...
Workshop with Mitsubishi
Reunión de trabajo fructífera en las instalaciones de MITSUBISHI Electric en Nagoya Works, con la directiva de la división CNC y el equipo Mitsubishi Europa, que también se han acercado a la Jimtof 2022.
ZAYER will attend the MOLDPLAS 2022 at the EXPOSALÃO Conference Center in Lisboa, Portugal, with its distributor DNC Técnica, from Sep 9 to 12th. We will be at Hall 1 Stand B07, really pleased to assist you in a personalized visit. Save the date and contact us!
ZAYER & MITSUBISHI meet at IMTS to strengthen their partnership
ZAYER will participate in the Exhibition of circular products manufactured in Euskadi, “Zirkularrak-Circulares” It will be held at the Europa Conference Center in Vitoria from September 24 to October 2 and will tour several cities. The exhibition brings together a wide range of products in the production of which ...
ZAYER is the official sponsor of the CIRP Annual Conference – General Assembly (22-26 August, Bilbao) It is one of the world’s leading conferences on production engineering, attracting 700 leading international researchers. The General Assembly of the CIRP is one of the leading conferences on production engineering in the ...
ZAYER EXPERTS “New technologies have brought about very significant changes in our plant” The machine tool sector in the Basque Country has become a point of reference for processing companies in Spain. This is because of the commitment of manufacturers to technological transition, digitalisation and sustainability. All these changes ...
AETOS, award for innovation in machine tools
This year the 31 BIEMH has been full of good news, the most important the prize for innovation awarded to our AETOS machine, in machine tools’ category. It happened on Thursday morning, at the event organized at the Bilbao Exhibition Center (BEC): the 14th National Award for Innovation in Advanced ...
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